I think I've met you (but also know I haven't)
If you're looking for a podcast that will engage, amuse, entertain, relax and get you thinking, then this is the podcast for you.
'I think I've met you, but also know I haven't' is a six part mocumentary podcast that explores in a humerous way what it might be like if it were possible with one step to reset everything...to change the way we look at things...to create and move into an alternate reality.
How might you react if access to worlds became a real possibility? Would you grab the opportunity to live in a more conscious and caring way?
Join us as we navigate the complexities of parallel realities and embark on a journey of discovery unlike any other.
Ger and Martin O'Malley
I think I've met you (but also know I haven't)
Podcast trailer
A short trailer of I think I've met you but also know I haven’t.
How might you react if access to worlds parallel to your own became a real possibility? Would you see it as a chance to reset...to start again, and perhaps avoid making the same mistakes?
What would it be like to live in a world without threats such as global warming, pandemics and nuclear war? Would we see access to other dimensions as an opportunity to keep doing whatever we want no matter how destructive...or...would we grab the chance to live in a more conscious and caring way?
'I think I've met you, but also know I haven't' explores these questions and others in a humerous and thought provoking way.
Join us as we navigate the complexities of parallel realities and embark on a journey of discovery unlike any other.
Ger and Martin O'Malley
Please feel free to drop us a line througt the send us a text message link above. We would love to hear from you 😊
Fossil fuel companies, plastic manufacturers and some governments have also latched on to the Stile 13 phenomena and the choices and possibilities that the portals into different dimensions offer. Put simply they feel they can now justify actions that lead to global warming. One leader of a world power caused quite a stir whilst addressing the UN general assembly when he said;
“If there is an indefinite amount of parallel universes and worlds out there then what are you getting so uptight and precious about this one for? So there’s a bit of extinction going on…and we’ve heated the earth up a little…but what’s not to like? This is our world… and I for one would like it to be a little roomier and warmer. If you can’t stand the heat…then maybe you should move to one of your alternative kitchens”.
His words were initially met with incredulous silence. In the hullabaloo that followed some Stile 13ers in the audience could be seen desperately jumping back and forth through any door they could find.
In the weeks since his address, reason of a sort seems to have returned, and such openly blatant environmental disregard has once again retreated behind a veil of reasonableness and missed energy efficiency targets